Category: Exercise

Stretch-for-recovery Dec20th 2018

5 Reasons Why You Need to Start Stretching Today

The body is a complicated network of joints, muscles and organs that work together seamlessly so that you can go about your business, moving freely and accomplishing whatever you put your mind to. Taking a few minutes every day to tend to your body can help you keep it healthy and happy so you can

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squat Dec10th 2018

Focus on the Form: How to do a Correct Squat

Squats are seen as an essential exercise move by personal trainers, our psychical therapist and gym fanatics all over the U.S. Regardless of your age, gender or fitness level, squats should definitely be part of your regular workout and physical therapy routine. While many people think that squats are all about working the leg muscles,

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sneaky cardio Nov20th 2018

3 Sneaky Ways to Incorporate Cardio for the Cardio Haters

One of the most common issues that people mention when they come for physical therapy is that they just don’t have enough time for cardio workouts due to their busy lives. Sometimes, it’s not only a time issue but also a matter of simply hating cardio in the first place. By working with your physical

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