Category: Nutrition

Feb10th 2019

Physical Therapy for Concussions. What You Need to Know.

Concussions are being treated more seriously than ever – especially in the world of athletics, where concerns over brain damage have placed high-impact sports such as football under a glaring public spotlight. But whether you received this form of brain injury during an athletic event or in an auto accident, you need to proceed toward

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nutrition-for-performance Nov10th 2018

Why Nutrition is Key to Strong Performance

Whether you’ve made use of our physical therapy services in the past, you’re a current physical therapy patient, or you’re an athlete who may well have need of a physical therapist in the future, you need to understand how nutrition affects physical performance. Your body is depending on you to supply it with the necessary

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good-protien-source Greenwich, CT Oct10th 2018

What is Considered a High-Quality Protein?

Protein is an essential nutrient we all need to stay as healthy and physically fit as possible. Whether you’re a weekend warrior or a committed athlete, a combination of healthy protein intake and a detailed physical therapy program can help you perform at your peak physical level. Call SportsPlus Physical Therapy to see how physical

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