Category: High-Quality Protein

Strength-training-tips Greenwich, CT Oct20th 2018

6 Injury Prevention Tips for Strength Training

One of the first rules you’ll encounter any time you start a strength training regimen is, “Don’t get hurt.” Likewise, when you are utilizing physical therapy as part of a recovery program, you’ll want to avoid re-injury. When you speak with a physical therapist at SportsPlus Physical Therapy, we can help ensure that you’re ready

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good-protien-source Greenwich, CT Oct10th 2018

What is Considered a High-Quality Protein?

Protein is an essential nutrient we all need to stay as healthy and physically fit as possible. Whether you’re a weekend warrior or a committed athlete, a combination of healthy protein intake and a detailed physical therapy program can help you perform at your peak physical level. Call SportsPlus Physical Therapy to see how physical

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back pain Jun1st 2018

Experiencing Lower Back Pain? Visit a Physical Therapist First

The UW School of Medicine in Seattle and George Washington University recently analyzed 150,000 recent insurance claims. Their research found patients who visited a Physical Therapist first had a smaller probability of requiring opioids to reduce back pain, or hospitalization. Read this article for more information.