Category: Concussion Treatment Techniques

opioids Feb20th 2020

Do You Depend on Opioids to Keep You Moving? Understand How PT Can Kick Your Opioid Dependence

Do you rely on drugs such as oxycodone or hydrocodone to help you get through your day without agonizing pain? Do you worry that these drugs may be placing your health at an unacceptable risk? Do you feel anxious or count the minutes until your next dosage of these pain relievers regardless of that risk?

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Herniated Disc Dec20th 2019

Get to the Root of Your Back Pain. Could it be a Herniated Disc?

Do you sometimes feel pain like an electric shock radiating from your lower back down to your legs? Do you experience muscle weakness or numbness in your arms or legs? If so, be sure to schedule a free consult with our office for a proper diagnosis. You just may have a herniated disc. What is

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Healthy Dec10th 2019

7 Easy Ways to Increase Your Activity and Live Healthy

Have you become less active in recent years? It’s important to remain physically active in order to stay as healthy as possible. It isn’t always easy to stay active, especially if you’re already struggling with limited mobility. There are several easy ways to increase your activity level that most people can include in their daily

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